Thursday, January 1, 2015

50 Random facts about me!

Aloha, earthling! Happy New Year! How's 2015 going so far for you? It might sound like a cliche, but time seriously goes by so fast! Next thing you know, school's starting again, and it's goodbye Christmas break. ugh. Who wants that? 
I don't really get into New Years Resolutions, and the only New Years Resolution I have for my dear ole blog is to post more often. And also to make more personal/lifestyle themed posts, rambles, thoughts and whatnots. I know what you're thinking, this site is named Truly yours, Kyle, I mean, how much more personal can it get, right? haha. I don't know either. Anyway, here's fifty completely random & useless facts about yours truly! 


1.  I'm a millennium baby.
2. I was born in the Philippines.
3. I moved to Riyadh when I was 11. 
4. I love fairs.
5. I used to write short stories all the time when I was in 1st and 2nd grade.
6. I do not have a favorite song. I'm the type of person who'd blast the same song for hours and days straight until I get tired of it, and I'd never want to hear it for the next few weeks after that. 
7. I don't have a set/permanent favorite color. Sometimes, I'd favor girly pastel shades, sometimes I'd go for colors as dark as my soul.
8. I don't know how to swim. yikes. 
9. Black and White are my favorite colors to wear. 
10. Clowns freak me out.
11. I listen to music way way too loud. 
12. I've never had a white Christmas.
13. I'm really short.
14. I suck at Maths, but I find writing enjoyable.
15. Acrophobic.
16. I don't like tea. 
17. I'm 14, and in 9th grade, but I can pretty much pass as a 5th grader. ugh.
18. I'm the youngest in my family.


19. I'm a total booklion(i love you if you get the reference), and I favor YA dystopians above anything else.
20. One of my pet peeves is people who say they hate books. I know it's their opinion and everything, so I emphasize the word my
21. Nancy Drew was my favorite series in 4th grade.
22. My absolute favorite series is The Darkest Minds Trilogy by Alexandra Bracken, hands down. I wish I could say I read the first book the year it came out, but I first read it last November 2013-ish. I highly recommend it if you're into young-adult fantasy, post-apocalyptic-ish, sci-fi novels. It's a perfect blend of kick-ass action, romance, and witty banters. Yes, I know, I suck at book descriptions.
23. Some more of the books in my favorites shelf are: the Mind Games duo-logy by Kiersten White, the Pivot Point duo-logy by Katie West, the Legend trilogy by Marie Lu, The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey (tbh, I didn't enjoy The Infinite Sea as much as I thought I would), and the Penryn and the End of Days trilogy by Susan Ee (I am well aware that the third book hasn't come out yet, but I'm pretty sure it's gonna be as awesome as the first two.).
24. If you ever talk to me about books that I've read, I'll probably babble the whole time. 
25. I'm have a tiny bit obsession with 5sos. oops.
26. I used to be particularly insecure about a tiny mole I have on the left side of my face just beside my nose when I was in 3rd grade.
27. I want to explore Europe, it's one of the top things in my bucket list. 
28. I'm a complete sucker for anything vintage floral rose printed! They're incredibly cute and dainty!
29. My favorite flowers are Portland Roses.
30. I'm interested in learning more about Typography and modern Calligraphy.
31. I'm a web design enthusiast. I've started learning about html when I was about 9. I made a very basic layout when I was 11, and I'm currently experimenting with good ole Google's Blogger's web designing platform.
32. Vespas are seriously stunning, and I may or may not have an obsession with vintage items. Someday, you'll see me riding my very own Vespa (fingers crossed it'll be red!).
33. Having a collection of Dr. Martens is also on the top row of my bucket list.
34. I used to be a polymer clay addict.
35. 'And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.' (- Friedrich Nietzsche) is one of my favorite quotes. 
36. Chili's mashed potatoes are seriously the bestestestest.
37. The last book I read was To All the Boys I've Loved Before, which was, I don't know, yesterday. I know I've just mentioned I usually go for fantasy/dystopias, but lately I've been having a reading slump(still can't believe TDM's over). I've tried picking up fantasy books after reading ITA the month it came out, but it just felt too exhausting to me. I'm not saying I'm getting lazy on a book, but well, it's a tad hard to explain without getting all geeky. Yesterday, I went on and started  reading To All the Boys I've Loved Before. little story about it: I was on vacation in the Philippines when it came out last April, and I've been wanting to get my hands on it ever since I found out about 2014 book releases from a booktuber. When I saw the cover, I was like dang, that's flawless (I know, I know, don't judge books by their cover, I try not to). And the fact that the title was catchy was a seal dealer for me. The week it came out, I ransacked three-four different National bookstores looking for it, and all of them didn't have any stocks, which blows since they had like a gigantic poster advertising it(okay, i'm exaggerating). Aaaaaaand I did not end up getting one. I got it on my phone a few months back, but I never had the chance to read it. And I finally did. The plotline was overall very predictable, but THE FEEEEEEEELLSS gurl! Two words: PETER. KAVINSKY. I seriously can not wait for the next book next year. ugh. We all need a little cutesy contemporary(however predictable they may be) once in a while, but I have a feeling like it's all I'll be reading for the next couple of months. Next on my list is Since You've been Gone(which btw, I've been putting off for the longest time too.) 
38. From that very detailed paragraph, you can pretty much tell how much I babble when talking about books.


38. I used to sleep through my Social Studies class in 7th grade. 
39. I'm currently binge-watching Arrow. Roy Harper, anyone?
40. I have an infinity ring on my left index finger that I never take off.
41. I am a total procrastinator. You know how some people are good at working under time pressure? Yeah, well, I'm not one of them. I don't really have an excuse, I'm just incredibly lazy.
41. I never study with music on, because I easily get distracted.
42. I think pointlessly way too much. 
43. I have a mild temper problem. 
44. I really want to visit El Nido, Palawan
45. I hate my handwriting. 
46. My favorite number is 2, but I don't really consider it like my lucky number or anything.
47. I have a little booklet of my favorite quotes(mostly from books/songs). 
48. I have no idea how people can find the patience do the nail arts. I'm a really impatient person.
49. I cram a loooot. Again, this is because I'm lazy af.
50. I have not started doing my take homes works for my Christmas break yet. ugh. I should probably start.

And that makes fifty, everybody! I cannot believe I just went through that! Well, it just goes to show how I've basically been doing nothing to even have the time to write it all out. If you read all of that, I applaud you, seriously. Aaaaand, me being me, just realized I have two 41s. Oh whale. 

PS: Check out my new chibi on the sidebar! Autocorrect's seriously changing the word to chili every time I type it in. 

Don't forget to follow via GFC and Bloglovin


  1. I loved reading all your facts and finding more about you! I also hate my handwriting and blast music wayyy too loud haha! x x

    1. Thank you! Music's was too good to listen to on low volume. haha. x
